All of this is for the Snake Valley Festival, which begins tonight with a potluck dinner (the yummiest Dutch oven fried chicken and potatoes in the world are provided) and then a music and cowboy poetry program.
Tomorrow we're going to get up early to drop off items at the community-wide yard sale at 7 am and at the silent auction, then go to the pancake breakfast and visit booths. Then comes the parade at 10 am--it should be a hoot, with the length of three blocks and an odd assortment of entries. After that, food booths, the silent auction, entertainment, film festival, and kids' games all begin and last for several hours. The entertainment includes a variety of musical and cowboy poetry acts that go all afternoon. Desert Boy might be able to sneak in a nap before we head out to a barbeque, dance and live auction beginning at 6 pm. If we still have some energy left, we'll go to the star program.
Sunday there's a mountain bike ride bright and early, a pancake breakfast, church services, film festival, and another star program.
There's lots more detailed info at ProtectSnakeValley.com. We will be taking lots of photos--it might take a little while to get them posted because all the activities will keep us busy!
If you're close by, we hope you can make it, otherwise have a great weekend whereever you are!
coincidence, I just got an email from UVSF earlier today w/ this same link you've got here. great work w/ all of this.
I'm calling my Gov. & staying tuned.
That sounds like a ton of fun. Hope you have a great turnout!!
Have lots of fun! Wish I could be there......
One time for the Labor Day festivities they showed Jerry Lewis/Dean Martin movies there in the gym. And the dance was always held there.
The parade is gonna be a hoot. Be sure to post lots of pics, because Baker has a bit of an internet fan club scattered around the world, from what I understand, lol.
Hope the parade goes well and everything else! Have fun! Eat some fried chicken and potatoes for me...yum-yum!I can't wait to see the photos! AB
Ooo! I remember the last blog on cowboy entertainment. Can't wait for more!
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