1. Invite friends. Friends make a hike much more fun, because you can share the experience. For kids, friends can be a wonderful distraction. Invite an adult friend, too--it's a chance to catch up on adult talk, plus the extra help can be great. Also, ever notice how sometimes your kids ignore you but will listen to another adult?
Friends make a hike even better. |
Making a regular hike a super hike--it's mostly how you think about it. A super hike isn't just walking--it's an adventure! |
3. Don't have a destination. I didn't think we would get far on our gully hike. But that didn't matter. Being outside was more important than getting somewhere. In other words, the journey took precedence over the destination. We told the kids they would get to decide where we went (you can imagine how they loved that!) For our hike, we actually made it over a mile. But it took four hours!
Our hike didn't have a destination; instead, our goal was to meander through the gullies and see what cool things we could find. |
4. Pack plenty of food. Better yet, have the kids pack the food. Anyone who's hiked with kids know how important snacks are. My kids love to help choose the food we'll bring on a hike. For this particular day, we decided on a picnic lunch, with hot dogs, chips, oranges, fruit leather, and water. The kids realized that hot dogs meant that we would have to make a fire, so they looked forward to that with great anticipation. Our friends brought some delicious hummus, Melba toast, and strawberries. Kids (and let's face it, adults, too), often gravitate to something different, so it's fun to have two sets of food to choose from!
A hot dog tastes extra good when you get to prepare it yourself, including making the fire. Friends' snacks are also a favorite. |
5. Have the kids carry their own backpacks. Ever since they were little (really little), I've had the kids carry small backpacks. They usually carry their own water bottle and a snack or two of their choosing, along with a small first aid kit. Desert Girl's first aid kit consisted of a single bandaid in a ziploc bag. Desert Boy's had about four bandaids, and he also took a notebook and pen so he could write about the trip. The kids like being able to get to their own food and water, and teaching them young to carry a pack will make it even easier when they get older. If they get tired on the hike, I take the backpack from them, and they suddenly have more energy (but don't do this too early in a hike or you'll get worn out!). Also, be sure to inspect your kids' backpacks before you start. Desert Girl had several extra toys that added weight but wouldn't be useful at all.
Desert Girl getting a bandaid out of her backpack for Charlie. She was so proud that she was prepared. |
6. Find a challenge. Or two or three. Do we remember the easy times in life? Not so much. Usually our strongest memories are the difficult times--the challenges and choices we faced. If the entire hike is easy, we'll probably forget it. But if there was something hard that made us dig deep into ourselves and find some inner strength, we're much more likely to remember the hike and our feelings of overcoming something difficult. (Just make sure the challenge isn't too difficult or dangerous!)
7. Be in awe of what you find. Take time to really observe what's around. Sometimes that's no problem--kids can stare at ants walking for hours. Other times, they're rushing, so you might have to slow them down. Asking questions about what they're seeing can sometimes help them pause and consider what's around them.
How long are the roots of a desert plant? Why are they so long? The boys checking out a little cave. |
Where did all the dirt fall from? Why? |
Charlie trying out a compass. You can introduce your little hiker to gear you plan to use on future, longer hikes. |
Hiking in style. We always have layers to take off or add as the temperature changes. |
10. Give the kids a little space. Kids need some alone time on a hike just to be kids. I usually tell my kids that they can walk ahead as long as they can see me. In our area, mountain lions are the biggest predators, so I don't want the kids too far away. Depending on where you live, you can decide what the right distance is to let them have a little space. Alternatively, you can let them have a little alone time during a break, where they stay put and you can observe them from a discreet distance.
Desert Girl shares a secret with Charlie. I couldn't hear what she said, but I could see that they were just fine. |
11. Walk like a dinosaur. Desert Girl started roaring and had her arms stretched out in front of her during her hike. She had turned into a dinosaur, and was eagerly trying to "eat" the boys. Desert Boy used to turn into a train and "chop-choo" his way down the trail. We got some odd stares when he imitated loud train whistles. When your kids start to get a little tired, encourage them to use their imaginations to become their favorite animals or machines, and they may be able to hike a little further without complaining.
Desert Girl pretending to be a dinosaur and chasing after the boys. Have your kids use their imaginations as they hike, and they'll hike longer. |
12. Get dirty. Kids will immediately forget how tired they are if they can splash in a mud puddle!
Charlie found a mud puddle and somehow managed to step right in the middle of it! |
13. Improvise. At the end of the hike, we went fishing with kite string and a paperclip. The kids thought it was brilliant. And it's what they remember best! You might be able to improvise sledding with a paper bag, a raft with old logs, a hiking stick out of a branch, and more.
14. Take photos. I like to remember our times together, so I usually have my camera on hikes. I also find that photography helps me relax and go at a slower pace. I'm not as focused on getting somewhere, instead I'm trying to find good camera angles and interesting things to photograph.
A happy crew at the end of a fun hike. |
Do you have any other tips for hiking with kids? If you do, please share in the comments.
Thanks for visiting.
Looks like we missed out on a fun adventure! My kids always hike better with friends!!
We missed you! We will have to go sometime--there are so many side gullies to explore, and they are really cool.
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