A couple weeks ago Desert Boy managed to get his arm stuck in the hole on the back of the vacuum cleaner where one of the attachments goes. I freed him and figured that he had learned his lesson. Nope, think again. Desert Boy stuck his arm back into the same hole not once, not twice, but three times! By the third time I had gotten my camera. I figured if he wanted to keep playing that game, he would have to get his picture taken.
The thing is, once he gets his arm stuck, he starts crying, so it's not like it's even a fun game. I guess I don't understand child psychology.
So what would you name this photo? I'll accept answers until Friday morning at 9 a.m. (PDT) and then pick a winner. One entry per person, and leave your name (or initials) so that I'll be able to identify you. The winner gets a jar of recently made peach jam made right here in the rural desert. It's yummy.
RTooDToo's evil cousin has caught me AGAIN!!!
I ALWAYS wake up like this after I get totally smashed!!
p.s. hilarious photo!!
Billy the Kid is apprehended by J. Edgar Hoover... Billy is pleaing "not guilty".
This thing ate my sock! Give me a break Mom, I'm just trying to get it back.
Caption: "So which is the bigger sucker?" Uncle Tom
"Flowerpot-tipping Punishment" but seriously, I don't think he needed *that* much a punishment, he's kinda young, doncha think!?
His face is too darling in this photo.
I JUST NOTICED HIS MISSING SOCK!! That's a hoot. Okay, can I recant my last offer and do this one instead?:
"I fought the Hoover and the Hoover won" ("I fought the law and the law won" by Bobby Fuller Four).
I know I should accessorize but this is ridiculous!
It has wheels and goes vroom vroom. It must have a steering wheel. Maybe it is down here.
"The Dirt-Sucker 2008 now comes with a new, more powerful outdoor extension."
Maria looked at me just right yesterday, and I think she has eyes like her cousin!
MUST RETRIEVE SOCK! It went in down there, I can get it back from here!
^^^^^^^Anne Benton ^^^^^^^^^^
Ok mom, don't you have enough embarassing photos of me to show my future girlfriends?
Ever woke up one morning and said "self, today i am going to get my arm stuck in the attachment holder of a vacuum." No? me niether
What? You think Houdini got it right the first time around?
Okay, really, Mom, if you want to use the computer, you don't have to handcuff me to this thing so I won't wander off and soak the neighbor's house!
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