Just in case I need to clarify: "runs" as in ambulating quickly; trots; lopes, strides; etc. (I have learned that my brothers sometimes think in a different way.)
Anyway, we're getting ready to head to town tomorrow for the Snow Goose Festival. They have a variety of events, including a 5k/10k run, which attracted my attention. We're having a cadre of runners from around here go, and I've been training for a couple months and can't wait to see if I can make my goal. The only problem is that we're under a winter storm warning, and the brunt of the storm is supposed to hit tonight and tomorrow.
I called the race director to see if the event was still on, and he said it would be held no matter what. They had snow plows to clear the course and heaters in the pavilion. Plus, he told me in a very excited voice, at 11 a.m. there's the Snow Goose Plunge into the reservoir. Eighteen people are signed up to do it--they get a t-shirt in return. Hmmm...wonder if any of our group might be taking the plunge, too?
So we'll get ready to drive in snow, run in snow, and watch people plunging their bodies through the snow into some really cold water. Who says winter is boring?
I promise, I'll post the outcome of all this in a somewhat timely manner (within a few days, anyway). That's if I don't end up frozen solid first.
Good luck! I am sure you will do fantastic! Can't wait to hear!!
Hi there, I'm the photographer who took the image you are featuring in this post. I do maintain all rights reserved and also require being credited as the photographer if an image is blogged. Can you fix this please? A link back to where you got the image on my flickr photostream is required, in case it helps here's the link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fortphoto/360161897/
Hi Michael, sure thing, that link is added. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! Keep up the super photography!
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