Monday is usually Desert Destination day, but today we're not going far because I'm tired! So what better place to go when you're tired but the backyard.
The heat of the summer keeps us playing in water, and today we get to watch Desert Boy learning about hydraulic properties. Specifically, he's learning that when he sprays water, it gets whatever it's aimed at wet.He seems fascinated by the water and looks for things to get wet.
Oops, his aim was a little off, and Desert Boy got an unexpected splash. It's warm out, so it feels good despite the surprise.
He's not fazed by getting wet and gets right back into playing with the sprinkler. By the way, if you've never seen this kind of sprinkler, it's really cool. As the water spins around, it propels the tractor forward, so you just lay out the hose where you want the sprinkler to go and it can cover a large area.
Physics in action! What is so amazing is that that water is ice cold. Even on a hot day brrrrrr.
Judging from some of those pictures, I wonder if the photographer got wet as well? The logical next step is to teach D Boy how to use a squirt gun. I can just imagine the mischievous grin on his face!
He finally gets his own tractor to drive and at such a young age too! Now if he figures out how to turn it on then you're really in trouble.
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