My parents have been here visiting the last week, and I always like to take them different places so they can get the flavor of the high desert. One of our adventures was to go to a secret desert canyon. Although it's March, it's still chilly, and we had to start off by putting on winter coats.

This is the start of the canyon. It has beautiful rocks, and if you know where to look, you can spot...

...petroglyphs! These old rock carvings are a bit worn and not the easiest to see, but still it's really neat imagining the people who made them. Did they ever come in March? And if they did, what did they wear to stay warm?

Further on, Desert Boy enjoyed scampering up the rocks. He loves to climb, so we had to rein him in a bit or he would have been to the top with us trying to catch up.

Eventually we got to the end of the canyon section. Above that is a wash that curves and bends and eventually reaches a mountain range. I went ahead and was able to get a wider view. Then Desert Boy and Grandpa decided to join me.

Most of the snow had melted at this elevation, but there were still patches on north-facing slopes.

Grandpa was most impressed with how desolate this section of desert looked. At this time of year it sure looks like desert, with so many earth tones in all the rocks and vegetation.

We sat down to get a new profile pic for my blog. My favorite ended up being the unposed one (above).

But the posed one does show off the desert scenery behind us.

On the way back down the canyon, we found a little pocket with icicles. Desert Boy was intrigued.

He touched one and found out it was cold. Then he tried licking one.

Desert Boy and Grandpa continued down the canyon, enjoying the adventure.

We even found a little tunnel for Desert Boy to climb through. He liked it so much he did it twice. We made a number of analogies to Dora the Explorer since that's one of his favorite shows. Sometimes it makes the hiking much easier!

Grandpa and Grandma near the end of the hike are all smiles. Because "we did it, we did it!"

We took advantage of the scenic location for a photo op.

And then it was time to drive back out to the paved road. Grandpa was quite curious why there was a Stop sign right next to the gate. We stopped at both. Then it was time for a rest before we began the next adventure.
Hopefully we can find more fun canyons to explore on future visits.
So looking forward to more adventures.
Great pics! It looks like your family is doing so well.
I'm ready to get out and explore too but it's soaking wet here - I'd love to send some your way!
I always like that spot (that's where Bryan and I got engaged).
Great Pictures! Your parents are very kind and great people.
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