The evenings are long in December, and we have to look for ways to entertain ourselves. It helps with college break. My nephew brought home Rock Band, a game where a drummer, singer, and two guitars try to mimic a song that is played on the TV. It turns out it is really, really addictive. Even if you're bad. Really bad. After we kicked the kids off it, we spent a couple hours and were glad when we could get 43 percent of a song finished.
Here's my husband and his sister rockin' out.
I had to give it a try, and it is fun. I'm standing with the guitar on the left in the blue shirt, while my sister-in-law is on the other guitar and my brother-in-law is on the drums. Desert Boy couldn't resist helping us out. He's quite a crooner.
I'm glad they didn't have this game when I was in college, it might have been hard to get my homework done. Now if I can only sneak over to my sister-in-law's house and get some practice time in, maybe I can get to 63 percent.
It looks like loads of fun!! I've tried guitar hero before and I KNOW how addictive it is. Why is that, anyway...??
Merry Christmas~~<3
Yippee for video games!
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