We also packed a sled and skis so Desert Boy could ski down and Desert Girl could take the sled. That was exciting, too, as the more snow toys, the better.
It was just below freezing, so it felt good. When Desert Boy asked how far we were going, I told him he could decide. Wow, the day just couldn't get any better for him!
Desert Girl was about to have her highlight of the day:
She found something on the snow.
Now, she may be three years old, but she's still a little like a baby sometimes, wanting to fully explore things with all her senses.
First, she looks at it and touches it.
Then she smells it and eats it.
Well, I guess whatever it was, it was good.
We continued a bit more, then turned around and switched the snow gear. It was a rockin' time down the gentle slope. Yippee, a fun little jaunt in the snow!
I want snowshoes just like Desert Girl. However, I will opt for something different to eat! :)
Raisins....right?? I hope.... :o)
^^^ That was me :o)
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