I had to go to town earlier this week to get the van windshield replaced, so we had four hours to kick around town. Flu shots, shopping, and eating took up some of the time, but the kids really wanted to go to the playground. So off we went, and after Desert Boy played for awhile on the "big" equipment, we went to the "little" slides so Desert Girl could have some fun, too.

They found they could sit side-by-side, and Desert Boy immediately came up with some kind of train analogy. Desert Girl just enjoyed being by her big bro.

They both are good at hamming it up for the camera.

Then it was time to go down the slide, and I was impressed with how well Desert Boy took care of his sister. He put his arm around her to help her.

Emma doesn't look too certain about going down, but they did fine.

She even gave it a go alone.
Like the sock that is about to fall off? It did a little later and I never found it again. Somewhere out there is a lonely white sock.
It probably won't be the first.

Then it was time to make a different train and go down again.

This way also worked well.

Desert Girl is going to like playgrounds as much as her big brother!
Awww Emma is so happy! What a doll! I also like how Matthew poses for pictures now. You got him well trained :) LOL
Great pics :)
What a couple of sweethearts!
Great pictures and Desert Boy is quite the ham 8-) Sure that grandma will love these pix although my printer is ready for the trash pile. Have a great weekend!!
The apple and orange of your eye!
So darling....
What a pair of cuties! Can't wait to see you guys...dress them in layers, since Great grandma's house is always cold.
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