If you've been following this blog, you know that Desert Boy loves to climb. He'll climb anything; I found him halfway up the piano yesterday. Earlier in the week he started climbing the fence above. I pulled him off and showed him what barbed wire is and made him touch it. Think he'll understand the significance of this lesson?
Hi! I'm Gretchen, an ecologist, rancher's wife, mother, writer, and dreamer. I've lived and worked in three of the four North American deserts and visited the fourth. This blog is about what it's like to live in the rural high desert on a ranch, spending lots of time outdoors with kids, and our journey to live more sustainably. To learn more about the area, click here. If you'd like to contact me, leave a comment (I love comments!) or email me at desertsurvivor @ live.com.
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I'm a correspondent for the Nevada Travel Network. Find out what's going on each month around the Silver State.
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North American Deserts
Four deserts are found in North America, each with distinct characteristics. Click on the image to learn more.
no... but if that fence was electrified...
Remember the green tomatoes? Look out Desert Boy! A cow is sneaking up on you. Always watch your back!
Don't ruin your clothes, Desert Boy. Mud and water are ok but barbed wire tears are not.
One who learned the hard way
Yeah, I'm thinking no one learns lessons the easy way!!
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