The kids painted some rocks and found some rocks around town.
It's always a fun surprise.
Every once in awhile you should take time for a tea party. Holding your pinky out is optional.
While it was warmer, we played soccer at the playground. Actually the "we" didn't include me, but I enjoyed watching. Maybe next year I'll work up the guts to get out there and give it a try!
Desert Girl is still working on being an animal trainer. Here was some success getting Maggie to go down the slide.
One evening I was in search of sandhill cranes. I found the cows creating quite a lot of dust.
I eventually found the sandhill cranes. Such cool looking birds!
When they took flight I was lucky to get them backlit. What beauty!

Meanwhile, the cows were curious and coming to see what I was doing.
And just playing around.
Here's a fun fact. Baker Ranch provides the hay for the National Finals Rodeo. The horses, bulls, and other animals get some delicious high desert hay.
These cows are eating a mixture of feed grown on Baker Ranch.
As you've seen, this is very much a rambling post. So why not include Desert Girl's fish imitation?
Along with her drawing of fish. She also wants to be a marine biologist.
One day, Desert Girl and I took a trip to Garnet Hill near Ely, Nevada. Desert Girl was ready with a hammer to find some garnets.
I was fascinated watching the huge mine trucks on the next mountain. The mine trucks look tiny, which tell you how big the mine is.
It's been a busy year for our volunteer fire department. This day was someone burning brush that got out of control.
Fortunately it wasn't too windy, and the fire didn't spread much.
Each year the local school kids do a Wheel-a-thon as a fundraiser. The younger kids (grades K-2) ride eight miles, and the older kids (grades 3-6) ride sixteen miles.
This year, local law enforcement from four jurisdictions came out and did some educational activities. I think they also enjoyed sharing stories.
And here's one of our super bus drivers, Carrie. She followed the kids at the Wheel-a-thon. And she takes Desert Girl to school every day. It is great to see her smiling face every day!
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