I upgraded phones this year and while I've been trying to keep it simple, I'm also looking for some awesome apps. So let's share. I'll tell you my favorite apps, and maybe one of them will also work out for you. Then you tell me your favorite apps.
I use email and Facebook apps the most on my phone. After that,
1. Foreign Languages--this is my game! I am working on improving my Portuguese with DuoLingo. I've wanted to learn Chinese for a few years (since Chinese will eventually overtake the world, in my opinion). I bought a couple books years ago, but that didn't work. But this Hello Chinese app has been terrific. It promises, "10 minutes a day, fluent in 3 months." I don't quite buy that, but I've actually learned some Chinese. And maybe someday I'll get to go check out caves in China and use it. And then Desert Girl decided she wanted to learn French, so she's using Memrise for that and I'm using DuoLingo so I can support her.

3. Photos. If you've been reading my blog for any amount of time, you know I like to take photos. To look at photos, I just use the simple Google photos app. But Snapseed has some really cool editing tools on it. I also have PhotoPills, but haven't really taken the time to learn it.
5. Maps. I use a variety of map apps. When I want to keep track of my runs, Map My Run is great (as long as I don't get in a hurry to get it started, as it will usually pop up an extra query and not start until I okay it.). We love Geocaching, and have started doing it again because the app is free (it was $20 not so long ago). US Topo Maps has great topo maps. I've been using the Free version, which only lets you have three waypoints. I've been considering paying the $11.99 to basically turn my phone into a full-fledged GPS unit. Thoughts?
6. Other. My most expensive app is iBird Pro, which has not only photos and descriptions but also songs of all the birds. It's super easy to pull up, especially when I forget my bird book. I like Podcasts, but haven't found an aggregator that's intuitive. When I travel (especially on airplanes), I want to watch my Amazon Prime downloaded movies. The only way I've found to do that is with the Amazon prime app.
7. I use Android, but if you have an iPhone, I highly recommend apps from Chimp Studios. My brother is the owner and has made some awesome apps (click the image below to get to his website).
Now, for the big question, what apps do you use most? I have a feeling that I might have a life-changing experience trying out what you like best!
I love Snapseed and iBird too, and also picsart for some photo editing. I also like starwalk for helping me see where the constellations are! And, it sounds weird, but I love an app called “home food storage.” It lets me easily keep an inventory of all the stuff in my pantry (and every time I use something, I just roll the little slider down by one number), and then I can add things directly to a shopping list when they run low. And if I’m out at the store and see a good sale, I can check my inventory and see what/how many I need to stock up on!
Oh yeah, and news apps? 👎🏼 I can’t find anything I like!
I got my 1st Smart phone last spring..I still can't figure it out..Good thing I still have my flip-phone...
Guess my age has caught up with me...
Oh well....
Hi Gretchen, for news you might want to try The Economist app. It is a free download and a selection of articles from each week's issue is also free. If you like it you can subscribe or purchase digital issues for a nominal fee. There is more of an international focus to news coverage than commonly found in US news outlets, and articles are usually more in-depth. Coverage of science and technology is quite good. They are out front about their editorial perspective, but the news coverage is pretty evenhanded. No celebrity coverage or anything like that. I also follow the BBC, but find The Economist more thoughtful and better written.
Thanks for the recommendations!
Thanks for your recommendations!
try this guys productivity app for salespeople
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