Tuesday, July 6, 2010

An Addition to the Garden

I was gone for a couple nights (which you'll read about later), and when I came back to my garden, I saw this unusual sight: a deer hoof sticking up. Apparently those venison seeds I planted are doing really well. I may start marketing them next year for anyone else who would like to grow venison in their garden.

p.s. My brother who is visiting discovered an interesting social interaction. The dog on the left is Apple, an abandoned sheepdog that has been hanging out near the entrance of the ranch. Apple won't go anywhere near people (which we think is part of the reason the owners haven't come and got him, because they've been contacted multiple times). Apple wants to play with Henry, but Henry isn't so interested. Today my brother saw Apple bring Henry a bloody offering. It was promptly buried in the garden. I still have to go out and take a look--my garden may soon be sprouting many venison parts.


g said...

This is SO Steven King!

jendoop said...

That is definitely a problem I don't have!

Ann Flowers said...

Wow! this is a very good entry i like it. Will certainly visit your site more often.

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