The next morning we were eager to explore. The white sand was just footsteps away from the patio door, and then the the water stretched out to the horizon. It was warm and there were birds.
I had a lot of fun watching the birds. Willets, most likely. They liked to peck into the sand and then ran when the bigger waves came. I never saw one get knocked down by a wave, even when their backs were turned.
Sea oats were one of the dominant beachside vegetation communities. The rental house had a balcony so we could look out at the beach.
We went down to the beach a lot. Dusk and dawn were the best for seeing a variety of birds. Here are a Great Blue Heron, Snowy Egret, Sanderlings, and gulls all looking for food.
My brother Andrew was a great organizer, and he directed us to the beautiful botanical gardens to see the lights on Christmas Eve. It was a bit odd seeing Christmas lights on palm trees. And to be able to walk around with heavy coats.
Christmas Day was spent looking at more birds. :) Ha, ha, okay, we did a little more than that. But you have to admit, this Snowy Egret was gorgeous.
The kids loved taking boogie boards out into the water. The water temp was 70 degrees, which to them was warm enough. I guess swimming in a mountain creek from spring to fall toughens you up.
Digging in the sand also turned into creative burying in the sand.
On one early morning walk to look for shells, Desert Girl found a half-eaten fish on the shore. She got very excited. "Mom, can I get a shell and dissect it?"
"Sure!" How could I refuse that?
The shell didn't work so well, so we left the fish to the Herring Gull, who was happy to consume it rather than study it.

It still has a working lighthouse.
We checked out some of the ruins.
And some of the brick-paved streets from when hundreds of people lived here. We also did a little snorkeling and saw a gopher tortoise and more dolphins. It was an interesting spot to visit.
Then we went back to our beach. Desert Boy was ready to make more sand sculptures.
Later we went down to the beach by Treasure Island and saw some huge sand sculptures. These were made in a contest in mid-November and most were still in pretty good shape.
They gave us some ideas for snow sculpting, but alas, there's not enough snow for that this year in Nevada.
As the week came to an end, we had time to reflect on the beautiful world we live in, where we can see so many great ecosystems. It sure is fun to visit other ones from time to time.
And we'll remember the gentle sounds of the ocean waves rolling onto the beach.
On our last morning, Desert Girl came with for the run.
We stopped a lot to look at shells, including these live ones.
We had an evening flight, so during the day we went to a couple county parks and got to see alligators.
This little baby alligator was right under the viewing platform (see Desert Girl's pink polka-dotted reflection?)
We also spotted a limpkin, a bird native to Florida. I was so excited that I knew the name to it, and I'm still not sure how I did.
We braved the very-crowded Florida Aquarium.
And then it was time to head back to our special part of the world. We take fond memories with us (and in the case of Desert Girl, a pile of sea shells that have a bit of an odor to them.) It was great to spend time with family and be warm--especially with the brutally cold weather some of the family was headed back to. We really enjoyed being able to spend so much time outside at Christmas, something we usually don't get to do.
Hope you all had a good Christmas! And Happy 2018!
It would be fun to hear a description of what the ocean air felt like to you, first thing. Since you are desert dwellers.
Could you feel that there was a lot more oxygen? How about the humidity, and could you smell more things than usual?
(I have always lived at 1000 ft elevation of lower, and when I drove to Colorado last year, the air ... just wasn't there, it seemed. Could barely talk for running out of air.)
Just finished viewing your warm vacation....Looking out my window the snow is still coming down...
Oh Well.....:+)....
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