UFO Sighting
It was the afternoon and I was hiking in a desert ravine, concentrating on the fascinating geology surrounding me. Suddenly I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Something wasn't right with the cosmos. I turned around, and there, up in the sky, was the unmistakable track of a UFO. It had obviously seen me and turned on its reverse thrusters, unmasking its previous invisibility. I knew I had to run fast, because out in this isolated spot, they were desperate to find a specimen of Homo sapiens for their tests. But how could I outrun a UFO? After all, they had advanced technology like reverse thrusters. I had a plan, though. For up ahead, I knew there was a deep, dark cave, and I could hide out as long as I needed. Which I hoped wasn't very long, because all I had left to eat were some of Desert Boy's fishy crackers and a juice box. But it was the best plan I had. So I went with it. And I'm still here to tell the story.
Happy April Fool's!
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Nice one, Desert Survivor
Definitely UFO tracks! But were you able to find any of their scat?
They were really after the juice box since they were so thirsty after waking from a long cryogenic sleep. Of course, due to the LONG travel distance, their tour map of the area was a little outdated. They expected this Lake Bonneville place to be a little more touristy with palm trees, charismatic megafauna, and plenty of juice boxes.
I really wish I could find a way to reverse MY reverse thrusters. They seem to be stuck...
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