Thursday, January 7, 2010

Playing on Ice

We discovered that although the snow has melted off the meadows near our house, the ditches are still full of ice and snow.

Desert Boy thought the ice was really cool and couldn't wait to go walking on it. Since there's no water running under the ice, we knew it would be safe for him to slide along.

The slippery ice was instant fun.

Desert Boy says, "Follow me!"

He liked it when the ice cracked under him.

You can see how dry everything is--we've had a dry winter so far.

Then we got to a patch of slippery ice and Desert Boy pretended he was an ice skater.

Complete with falling down! It's fun to enjoy the simple things of life.


  1. That looks like SO much fun! We're currently getting our snow quota for the month in the Midwest. :)


  2. It's easier to fall when you are so close to the ground and have the extra padding of a diaper. I just walked downtown and back in many many inches of snow with ice underneath. It was NOT fun.


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