Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dinosaur Tracks

Desert Boy got his first pair of snowshoes this Christmas, and yesterday we decided to try them out. The valley is pretty much snowless, so we had to drive up to nearly 7,500 feet in the mountains to find some snow. Unlike our friends and family in other parts of the country, we've been having a snow drought. We want some snow!

The snow was a bit crusty, so there wasn't much give when Desert Boy walked on it. The flip side was that he didn't sink in.

He did quite well for a first time snowshoer, not tripping too much. Of course it helped that most of the time Dad was on one side and Mom on the other.

Stomp, stomp. The tracks didn't come out too great, but we'll try again.

Eventually it was time for Desert Boy to get a ride on the sled. Even dinosaurs get tired.

He didn't want to take his snowshoes off. They look really big when he sits like that!

But eventually his boot fell off. And then he fell out. And then he got cold. And then it was time for the dinosaur to head back down to a lower elevation and warmer weather. It's not easy being a dinosaur!


  1. I've seen those in catalogs and thought they were SO cute. I wanted to order a pair for myself:)

  2. The animals near where DB played are now trembling with fear! Way to go DB!!


  3. Those snowshoes are so cute! I can't blame him for not wanting to take them off. Do they come in adult sizes ;)

  4. I happened upon your blog as it is the next one to my son's who has just been touring from Boulder Colorado to Philadelphis via Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. I am writing this from England. What a super little chap you have.

    If you want snow we have plenty in England - even in the South where we live but we are not so well equipped as you to deal with it.

    Bye. Janet


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