Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Exercising Indoors

When we need a break from the winter weather and Desert Boy still has plenty of energy (a common occurrence), we head over to the upper shop. He has his bike over there and that's one spot that has a flat, even floor.

He's recently improved his pedaling quite a bit so he can ride around in circles in the open bay and then around the chopper and balers.

Although turns can still be a little tricky. Hopefully by the time it starts warming up he might be ready to try some of the gravel roads.


  1. Go, Desert Boy!!

    You were in my dream last night. We were exploring a cave!

  2. Terrific resource for Desert Boy and his mom alike (tho'differently). It gives me the idea that flat floor may be the perfect place to learn to ride my new Trikke. (Weather and hand surgery delayed so far). If anyone wants to know what a Trikke is, try Trikke.com

  3. We're jealous. I wish we had a place for Aidan to run around "outside" and get out some energy. :o)


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