Wednesday, December 6, 2017

2017 Turkey Shoot

 If it's November, it's time for the annual Turkey Shoot! This year the proceeds went to the local fire and EMS department. The night before, many gathered for the school Harvest Festival for a potluck dinner and auction (with a fitting centerpiece, above--I just had to find a way to use this photo!).

The next morning we woke up and headed down to the shooting range. Here are some kids on top of the archery target.

They were ready, so they got to go first. Desert Boy and Desert Girl hadn't practiced much, and it showed.

Here's the star.

And where her arrows landed. Nice work!

Maybe next year they will practice more. Oh, yeah, I can keep dreaming, can't I?

Next was the .22 rifle contest at 25 yards, shooting at a chicken target. Three shots. The first guy made the chicken swing three times. Then I went and I did too. A few more went and one more person also got three hits. That meant it was time for a shoot-off! We had to do it off-hand (standing up), so we wouldn't be at it forever. Still, it took awhile, with three rounds. And I finally ended up the winner! Woohoo, a turkey in our fridge!

The kids did pellet gun. It's not too accurate, or maybe they need to practice more. Hmm, I sense a theme here.

Desert Girl was more interested in playing with her friends than shooting, but she still gave it a try. The kids got cornish hens for their efforts, and they tasted delicious.

Along with the various contests there was a raffle, with great prizes from local merchants.

 It was a beautiful day with a good turnout. We ate delicious elk chili for lunch.

The contests continued, and although I scored well in a couple of them, there were numerous people who got every shot in the inner black. There are some good shooters out here! My husband also won a turkey, so we'll be eating well!

 Here are some memories from the Turkey Shoot in 2013, 2014, and 2016. It will be held again next November, either the second or third Saturday of the month. Check the Snake Valley Volunteer Fire Department Facebook page in October for the exact date.

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