Sunday, June 4, 2017

Upper Wheeler Peak Scenic Drive

The Wheeler Peak Scenic Drive opened to Mather Overlook the beginning of May, and I couldn't wait to go up there. I woke up early one morning and headed up the mountain to enjoy the sunrise.

There were beautiful clouds in the sky, and the sun was just peeking out.

Since the road was closed, I figured it would be a great place for a brisk walk. This sign didn't make it through the winter.

The birds were singing, mountain chickadees, red-breasted nuthatches, Townsend's solitaires, hermit thrushes, and Cassin's finches (below).

I had to walk half a mile before I found enough snow to cover the road, right at the 9,500 mark.

Someone had ridden bikes through the snow and on up the road. That gave me an idea about returning.

I turned around there and headed back down, enjoying the solitude and the views.

I checked out the RAWS Mather Station. It often has some of the highest wind speeds in a couple counties.

On the way down, I had to stop and get a photo of the "Heart of the Mountain."

It was so much fun that we went back up a few days later with friends and bikes.

The kids really enjoyed playing in the snow. I think the adults liked it too!

It's great to be outside!
The road has now opened up to trailheads, so soon we'll be out exploring the trails.

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