Friday, June 2, 2017

BYU's Paleontology Museum and the Aquarium in Draper

 It turns out I did have more photos from the spring break trip, they were on my phone and I'm not so good about downloading those! And my memory has already slipped, and I don't remember what all we did. (Part of the reason I blog! The search function is awesome to find those memories that are kind of vague.)

One of our first stops was BYU's Paleontology Museum. It's a free museum and has some some great exhibits. And since Desert Girl wants to become a paleontologist (and a marine biologist and an artist and a detective), I thought it would be fun to stop. You can tell by their expressions that the kids had a good time!
 They seem to have got eaten several times.

It was cool watching paleontology students at work.

Then it was time to get eaten again.

Fortunately they survived and we headed over to the Aquarium in Draper. It was our first time there. We enjoyed the variety of exhibits, including some interactive ones.

The jellyfish were magical.

And the huge tank was mesmerizing, with fish slowly swimming by.

Desert Girl was super excited when she spotted a sea turtle, one of her favorite animals.

The sting rays didn't really want to be touched--the docent said that a lot of school groups had already come by that day.

So after a trip to the aquarium, it's only fitting to go eat some sushi, right?
 Desert Boy decided he liked it.

And later we had some Indian food. We're trying to expand our horizons in more ways than one! (Sometimes it's more successful than others.)

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