Monday, March 27, 2017

Spring Birds

It's springtime, which means a whole mix of weather, but overall we're getting outside more--hurray! Desert Girl sure loves our chickens. They've been good layers all winter. And I have to admit I'm surprised that they've survived with all the predators around here. 

Some birds are coming back, like the killdeer. They can make quite a racket.

The bluebirds have been around all winter, but their colors seem brighter now.

Desert Girl worked hard to catch one, but didn't succeed. Then she tried to talk me into getting her a parakeet. No, thanks, I know who will end up taking care of it! I told her it's best to enjoy the birds in the wild.

The heifers (first time moms) are already done calving, and now we're in prime season for the cows out on the range to give birth. The bluebirds are checking out what's going on.

One morning I decided to get up early and go down where there's some water to capture the sunrise reflections. There were a few birds around, especially Canada Geese.

It was a gorgeous morning, and the usual wind had calmed down.

The ravens are numerous year round.

I liked the symmetry of these flying ducks and their reflections.

There were a big group of sea gulls out on the lake.

And no year would be complete without at least one photo of a daffodil!
 Happy spring!

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