Wednesday, March 22, 2017

February Roundup

So, similar to January, I have a mish mash of photos, many from my phone. I have trouble downloading my phone photos to my computer, so it can take awhile.

One of the highlights of February was the winter carnival, where we made up a booth called Cinderella's closet. The idea was the kids started with all the clothes, shoes, hats, and jewelry in the laundry basket and then had to hang them up as fast as they could. The winning time was 41 seconds.

The top of Bald Mountain looked especially snowy one day, when the moon happened to be setting.

We spent time working on trails for our community. We're crossing our fingers that the proposal will get funded and soon we'll have safer places to go recreate. Most of our bike rides are on the highway now, as there just aren't many places to go.

One morning I went for a snowshoe hike on the Upper Lehman trail. I had it all to myself and it was so peaceful!

The lighting was great one day as I came back from Ely, so I pulled over to the side of the road and took some photos of the windmills.

I had never seen that some of them are painted grey. They really do fade into the background a lot better!

One afternoon I went to the elementary school and we experimented with invisible ink--aka orange juice, lemon juice, vinegar, and milk. Vinegar wasn't so good, but the other three did well when the paper was heated.

The kids thought it was kind of fun.

The sandhills crane came back! I love seeing them.

Desert Boy had a piano recital. He is doing quite well on piano.

The kids had science fair, and there were all sorts of interesting experiments and demonstrations.

Here's Desert Boy explaining his project to a community member.

I got to do some caving. This is a harvestman, Sclerobunus ungulatus, only found in caves in the Snake Range.

Although January was cold and snowy, February was warm and dry. We spent a lot of time at the post office parking lot riding bikes, scooters, and more.

And we spend time there because the concrete slab that serves as the tennis court/basketball court in town is 40 years old and not in good shape. When the school board came out for a meeting, we asked to have it replaced. We've been in contact with them since then and are crossing our fingers that this ten-year priority might actually happen this summer.

Then it was time for the annual snow survey. Snow conditions ranged from 100% to 150% of average.

My husband has been taking an Emergency Medical Responder class and I've gone to a few of the classes to get continuing education hours for my EMT certification. We take the kids along, and one evening they got to be patients and enjoyed that very much (since no pain was involved!).

Well, that's it for February!

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