Thursday, October 15, 2015

Scales and Tails--Close Up with Reptiles

My friend Jenny arranged for Scales and Tails to come out and do a presentation for the elementary schools and community. I missed the first part, but when I arrived, everyone was thoroughly engaged in the presentation. I quickly saw why. Jeremy Westerman was an excellent presenter.

For example, he had Daisy put on huge gloves and prepped her to take out the creature inside the black box. He asked if she had quick reflexes. She said yes. He asked if she was brave. She said yes, a little hesitantly. He told her it was a good thing she was taking the animal out, because he didn't want his fingers to be bitten off. Daisy was a good sport, and although she looked a little uncomfortable, she stayed up there. Finally came the moment of the grand unveiling.

Out came a red-footed tortoise. Not exactly a rip-your-hand off animal.

Then out came Tortellini, the baby tortoise.

If you go small, why not go really big? Here's Twinkle Toes, a 100-pound Suicata tortoise. The kids got to pet the tortoise shell and Twinkle Toes started grazing on the grass. Jeremy pointed out she's the perfect lawn keeper, mowing it in the front and fertilizing it out the back.

Next up was Charlie Brown, a dumeris boa.

And then came the green anaconda, who kept trying to strangle Jeremy. That looked like a really powerful snake!

Meanwhile, Twinkle Toes kept grazing. Some of the kids weren't too sure of it.

Out came one more snake, Nanners, an albino burmese python.

The kids got to pet her too.

Then it was picture time.

This is a monitor, an animal I didn't recall seeing before.

After the show, the younger kids went inside and drew a picture of their favorite animal.

I went back out and saw that the fun was continuing, with a repeat showing of the American alligator, who decided to make a run for it.
This program was entertaining for both kids and adults and we hope to have them back out again.

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