Saturday, October 17, 2015

Our Surprise Pumpkin

 We didn't have the best garden this year. Insects ate all the beans I planted, irrigation problems were daunting, and it seemed like we were growing more weeds than anything. So it was a wonderful surprise to find the perfect pumpkin in our garden. This vine had been growing all summer and looked like it wouldn't produce at all. But it did. And finally it was time to harvest.

Desert Boy tried to pick the pumpkin. But it was a little too heavy.

I picked it and gave it to him. Did I mention that it was a little too heavy?

Now the pumpkin is sitting in front of our house. Desert Girl has recently decorated it, and later we'll make it into a jack-o'lantern. And roast the seeds. And make pumpkin juice (whatever that is, but Desert Boy really wants to do it). And make a pumpkin pie. We have big hopes and dreams for our one pumpkin.
Happy October!

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