Thursday, April 16, 2015

Nevada Northern Railway - Spring 2015 Trip

 We needed to go to Ely and I asked the kids if they wanted to ride the train or go swimming. They both chose to ride the train. (Wow, that says a lot since they LOVE swimming!) We got our tickets early, as it happened to be a free day for locals, did some errands, and then headed back. We found one of Desert Girl's friends to join us for the ride.

The kids love getting their ticket checked by the conductor as they board the train.

Once we got on, we found another surprise: more friends!! What a great day.

It was also volunteer day on the train, with several booths set up in one car showing off volunteer opportunities.

The girls found some fire chief hats. Desert Girl had decided the day before she was also going to wear a cape. I think capes are always in fasion.

After awhile inside, we headed out, where the girls posed.

And posed some more.

It was a beautiful day for a ride, and the train was nearly full.

Engine 40 took us easily up towards Ruth.

The mine tailings at Ruth are always impressive. Basically they moved a mountain to extract a lot of copper and a little of some other metals.

We opted to spend most of the downhill trip outside.

But first we had to turn around. We backed up, the engineers watching closely.

The little yellow caboose led the way.

We backed into Keystone Gulch, population 20. No, make that 18. Or maybe 17.

 Fortunately the gallows were empty as we visited the little town.

On that afternoon, the population was zero.

But some bandits appeared and wanted to know if anyone would join their gang.

No one did, so we headed back to Ely. We did pause as one guy got kicked off the train. We were all impressed. If you misbehave, you have a long walk back. Fortunately everyone in our group stayed on the train.

We saw some smaller mines on the way back.

The tunnels are always highlights of the trip.

We noticed a fire truck as we went along town. Then we saw a big blackened area--a fire right next to the tracks! Did the train start it? I don't know, but fortunately the fire fighters kept it contained.

We crossed the road...

…and enjoyed the scenic views.

Have I mentioned it was a really beautiful day for a train ride?

Almost back

 All that was left was to get on the right tracks. One of the conductors got off to throw the switch.

Then we had a big steam blast, and before we knew it we were back at the station.
It was a very relaxing couple of hours with beautiful scenery. The trains run all summer and into the fall. For more info, check out Nevada Northern Railway's website. All aboard!


  1. This looks like so much fun! The scenery is so different from here, and I enjoy seeing different areas of the country. This train reminds me of the Strasburg Railroad, which is almost in our back yard. It's a huge attraction around here.

  2. We took a train one time up near Park City, Utah. That was really fun! I have bookmarked the website for this train. Hubby and I were just in Nevada last week, over spring break!
    Cheryl Ann


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