Tuesday, April 21, 2015

More Fun in Ely

 Whenever we go to town, we always have more than one thing to do! On the same day as our recent train ride, we also hauled our recycling in. I think we have more recycling than trash these days, something we're working hard on. (I'm reading Zero Waste Home, which is inspiring me to reduce the amount of trash we produce.)

Before the train ride, we had an opportunity to tour the East Ely Railroad Depot Museum, which is separate from the Nevada Northern Railway Museum, and the Engine House tour, both of which are also recommended.

We went up the steep steps in the depot and found that the museum encompassed most of the second floor. They had lots of old office equipment from when it was a functioning depot and saw 44 trains go by a day.

The kids moved quickly, but were interested.

One of the highlights was when the volunteer showed us the safe room. We saw the biggest dictionary we've ever seen (sorry, I didn't get a photo of it!). The photos along the hallway were also impressive, taken by one of the volunteers of railroad scenes across the West. Below is another office. They pretty much just got up and left the depot as is when it closed, so it is full of historical items.

Later we had a chance to play on the new playground across the street. What a great place for a playground. They had some cool swings that looked like horses.

The kids "galloped" for awhile.

Desert Boy couldn't resist climbing.

Then it was time to try the spinners. They made me too dizzy, but the kids loved them.

We ended up having time to swim a little, stop by the Art Bank (their changing exhibits make it worth a stop every time we go to town), and of course a grocery store visit. Often we only get to the store once every couple weeks or so, and this was one of those times where we were really short on fresh fruits and veggies.

The light on the drive home was spectacular. I stopped at the gate to Horns-a-Plenty to check it out and the cool clouds in the background. Horns-a-Plenty makes some awesome chandeliers, as well as lamps, candelabras, and more.

Nearby was a super cool gate, with elk silhouettes by Silver Jack Ironworks. It was a great way to end a lovely day.

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