Monday, January 14, 2013

Free Ebooks

I've recently discovered a fun blog: eReaderGirl. She finds free eBooks for you. Then you can download them (checking the price is still $0, as some prices change the same day--and some of the books have a regular price of over $25) and enjoy. Today I'm enjoying a book of 50 raw desserts (which includes pies and cupcakes, to my great surprise) and how to run faster. I downloaded a kids' book, too.

I don't actually have a Kindle (or Nook), but I have an app so I can read the books on my computer. I didn't think I would like reading on a computer, but I've been pleasantly surprised. I don't want to give up real books by any means, but this is a fun way to get a little more reading in (often while I'm pedaling on the exercise bike, which makes me feel doubly good).

Have you read any good books lately? I'm looking for some recommendations.


  1. I love my Kindle! With our life on the road, real books just did not work. So now the world of reading is open to me once again.

    My favorite books from the last year were Empire of the Summer Moon and Still Alice. :)

  2. Are you able to read any of the ebooks on a playbook?
    Thanks for the great find!

  3. "Into the Twilight Endlessly Grousing" - Pat McManus. Great outdoor humor and a couple of good mysteries to his name.

  4. John-thanks for the recommendation!

    Anonymous-I'm not aware of a Kindle app for the Playbook, unfortunately.


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