Saturday, January 12, 2013

An Afternoon Swimming--and Jumping

We headed to the West Millard Pool today to escape some of the winter cold. It turned out to be a snowy drive with roads full of drifting snow, but once we got into the warm and humid environment at the pool, it was all worth it. We went with friends, which made it even more fun.

The water slide was soon a favorite attraction. Here's Charlie making a grand entrance into the water.

Ava had fun paddling all over.

Here goes Evan!

I was hanging out with Desert Girl, and next thing I know, Desert Boy was up on the high dive, aka the high "jumping board." I wasn't too sure how this was going to turn out.

I remember being so scared going up on the high dive when I was a little girl on the summer swim team. I tiptoed to the edge and looked down and the water seemed so far away. Eventually I gathered up my nerve and jumped off--and survived.

Desert Boy didn't feel any of my fear. He just went to the end of the board and jumped.


Then I was wondering if he would be composed enough to swim to the wall. He's not a great swimmer, and after all, he's just 5. But he made it. Not only that...
...he did it again and again.

All the kids did so well in the water. It's hard to believe they live in the desert and only visit a pool a few times a year.

Desert Boy found some diving rings and had fun going after them, as did the other kids.

One of the things that surprised us was how few other people were at the pool. For us, it was a wonderful excuse to escape the house on a frigid day when we would be stuck inside due to the cold. Maybe the locals have other ways to deal with getting cabin fever!

Desert Girl mastered propelling herself where she wanted in her floatie. She also loved jumping in from the side of the pool. She wanted to go off the jumping boards, but I told her no way.

It was great fun, plus some really nice exercise. I think all the kids will sleep well tonight! (And maybe the parents, too!)

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