Thursday, August 16, 2012


 A little while ago, we went to the house of some friends and the kids were thrilled to try out their zipline. Desert Boy was the perfect size for it.

Uncle Tom graciously started him.

 All smiles! The first time he went whizzing into the tree at the end. After that, he figured out how to avoid a painful collision. Lots of people watched him, including...

 ...Desert Girl! I hope I'm not considered a bad parent for allowing my two year old to go on the zipline! She does great on the monkey bars at the playground and I've seen her hold on to a bar for over a minute, so I knew she was strong enough. The question was did she want to?

I asked her if she wanted to go.

She most certainly did.

 Well, maybe she has some reservations.

 And then she's off, with a long way down to the grass below.

 She went on about ten times and never fell once. I think she will be a strong cowgirl! (She chose her outfit.)

She especially liked it when her cousin caught her at the end. Whoo hoo!

I just hope that my kids don't get ideas about building ziplines off our roof. I can just imagine how much fun that would be.


  1. The zip line is very cool! Did you build the handle part yourself?
    That took real courage. She is too cute!

  2. The zip line is very cool! I really love it. thanks for sharing!

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