Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten

 Desert Boy started kindergarten today. The night before we went to the school so the kids could pick out their desks, play, and eat cookies. The parents learned important stuff like dress code and that the kids would get homework four days a week. The parents couldn't help smiling as the kids bounced around, obviously so happy to be going to school.

 Although from this photo, it looks like the boys might have a hard time sitting still at their desks!

We don't have many kids out here, so grades K-2 are in a one-room schoolhouse with one teacher and one aide. There are about 15 kids in the three grades.

I had to take a photo of los tres amigos in front of the school. I love how they are holding hands. (Do you see one extra hand in the photo? Any guesses who that belongs to?)

 This morning we did the first-day-of-school photo. Desert Girl insisted that she be in it too.

 At the bus stop we tried to get the kids to line up, but they didn't want to look in the same spot at the same time.

 Cute little Izaak. He's got a few years to go!

 When the bus pulled up and opened the doors, Desert Boy dashed to it.

 All the kids were so excited to go. They didn't look back.

 I think Henry wanted to go to.

At the end of the day, Desert Boy still had lots of energy. He had a quick meltdown when I told him he couldn't have a playdate with one of his friends that afternoon. But he soon recovered, and we went home and got the homework out of the way and played lots. After dinner he made his lunch so he's all ready to go in the morning.

I asked lots of questions about his day.
Favorite part of it? Lying down during story time.
What song did they sing? One about bears.
What did they do in P.E.? Puzzles. (I'm not sure if that's what they really did, but that's what he told me.)
Did they do math? Yep, but he couldn't remember what.
What letters did they write? A through G.
What stories did the teacher read to them? Actually, I forget his answer!

He said the school was warm, he ate most his lunch but not all of it, and overall, "School was great!"

Here's hoping for many more great school days!


  1. What a BIG BOY! I know some kinders at my school cry and try to run out the door! I'm glad he enjoyed his first day!

  2. Haha Cute photos. I like the little question blurb at the end ;) lol

  3. I love his excitement! AB started kindergarten this year as well. She thinks school is the most awesome thing ever!

  4. Many, many years ago my aunt (Gerry Robison) used to drive the school bus in Snake Valley. I think they only had the one school in Baker for everybody then - I don't remember a separate school in Garrison.


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