Sunday, August 26, 2012

Storm Clouds

I'm working on a longer post, but it's taking a bit of time and I just feel like I have to post something now (yes, blogging can be addictive!). Here's what I saw this morning: the clouds kissing the mountaintops as they started forming and gathering more power. The early morning light made the scene even more dramatic. I just wanted to find an awesome vantage point, sit with my camera, and take a zillion photos of the changing cloud patterns. Instead I went for a long run. And repeatedly wished I had a camera with me, as the views were stunning. It was a good morning.

We've had a lot of monsoonal moisture this August, which has our part of the desert greener than is usual. It sure has been a strange year weather-wise. Thinking of all those in the path of or impacted by Tropical Storm Isaac. If you're one of them, good luck!

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