Thursday, August 23, 2012

Book Signings

You're a book signing!

Saturday, August 25, 11 am - 12 pm at the Western National Parks Association Bookstore in the Great Basin Visitor Center in Baker, Nevada


Tuesday, September 18, 6 pm - 8 pm at the White Pine County Library in Ely, Nevada

This is a new experience for me, and I'm not quite sure what to think. But it will be fun, and you should come if you're around. I'll write whatever you want me to write in your book. I'll even write that you're awesome. Because if you're reading this blog, you are awesome!


  1. Congratulations!!

    Hope that the book store has enough copies for you to autograph 8o)


  2. I wish I could come, but it's a bit far from my neighborhood.......

  3. Hope that you have a line out the door! Congrats!


  4. The book signing went well! It was lots of fun to chat with all that came. Thanks so much!


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