Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Monsoons Are Back

 This morning a large cloud came over the mountain, sending out rumbles and drops of rain. Behind it was blue sky, and I figured we would resume the heat in the afternoon. But I was wrong. We ended up with a stormy day, and rain even accompanied the thunder and lightning. (That is notable in the desert--we get many storms with no rain.) After dinner I couldn't resist going for a little walk to enjoy the spectacular light.

 I could see more storm clouds to the south. It was beautiful. It was also fun to watch the heifers totally ignore those dark clouds and distant lightning.

 We headed back out for a family walk, but in the time it took to find kids' shoes, the light had faded. The lightning hadn't faded, so I tried my best to capture some lightning shots.

 There were some magnificent displays, and sometime I will have to use a tripod!

It's nice having some of the cooler weather. I'm just really hoping that we have a break from the monsoons on Saturday night so we can watch the Perseid meteor shower!


  1. Striking photos! Ha! Congratulations upon the publishing of your amazing story of the Grand Basin.
    From a member of your mother's book group

  2. Those are great photos! I never have been successful in lightning shots yet.... lol
    Awesome :)

  3. I love the desert. It has so much more than most people realize.


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