Monday, August 6, 2012

Millard County Fair 2012

 I really wanted to go to the Millard County Fair, as I really enjoy county fairs. (Yep, when the kids get slightly older, we'll be making a pilgrimage back to the county fair where I grew up.) The Millard County Fair runs Tuesday through Saturday. We managed to make it Friday evening in time for the Danny Newell All-Star Band. I loved the big band music, with lots of jazz tunes.
 In fact, I am going to have to get my trumpet out and see if I can still make some music.

 The band inspired Desert Girl to dance.

 Desert Boy joined her. Before long, there were a few couples dancing. It was hard to sit still and listen to the music.
 The kids talked me into snow cones. I finally acquiesced, figuring if they were busy eating, they would sit still and be quiet for a little while.

 Desert Girl added to her stickiness.

 As the concert went on, we were treated to a gorgeous sunset.

 I had to get up and check out the clouds.

 It was magical.
 Following the band, we stayed for the outdoor showing of Cars2. Desert Girl found a new friend and wanted to stay with her during the movie. She even managed to stay awake through the whole thing.

At one point, Desert Boy looked up and said, "Mom, look at all the stars!"

The next morning we got up, had breakfast, and went to see the exhibits.

 The kids wanted to color a picture at the entrance, which gave me a great opportunity to go look at things with a little more attention.
 This awesome dragon was made by a teenage boy out of pinecones.

 What a wonderful chest!

 The doll is topping a cake.

 The kids wandered around some of the exhibits with me, had fun trying out some physics experiments at the University of Utah Cosmic Ray booth, picked up deputy sheriff badges, no smoking kits from the public health nurse, and more.

 Then it was time to go to the free inflatable slide and bounce house. The kids were delighted.

Later in the day the kids had their faces painted. They were worn out, so it was time to pack them up and head home. What expressions, eh? They managed to stay awake for some grocery shopping, but they were snoozing for most of the drive.

The White Pine County Fair is in less than two weeks, so we can go enjoy another fair soon!


  1. I love the lighting on the last band photo. It's sort of an auburn-honey-amber more felt than seen. Good use of fading twilight.

    I love big band, too but dance like someone who had miraculously survived a hideous combine accident and is still prone to seizures. It ain't pretty.

    If you like big band and contemporary swing I would recommend "Big Bad Voodoo Daddy".

  2. That is quite a fair. Thank you for the tour.


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