Sunday, July 29, 2012

Bountiful Baskets

When I realized last Monday that we were going to run out of milk and fresh fruits and veggies by the end of the week, I decided to give Bountiful Baskets a try. I had just learned about it a couple weeks ago and was intrigued by the concept. It's a co-op, mostly based in the western U.S. (although it's also operating in Iowa, South Carolina, and Georgia and willing to expand). You pay $15 via Internet for the normal basket by Tuesday at midnight (or until they're all taken) and pick it up Saturday. My big choice was where to pick it up. We have to travel over an hour to get to any grocery store. I decided to give Milford, Utah a try, as I wanted to do some sightseeing around there and I knew the kids would love the Minersville swimming pool. It took some searching to find the pickup spot, as I went to the one on the website and it had a sign saying pickup was down an alley at a different address. Addresses in Milford are a little strange, with the 200s on one side of the street and the 300s on the other side. Nevertheless, after asking some women carrying a basket of fruits and veggies where the pickup was, I eventually found the alley. When I got out of the van to walk into the garage, they knew who I was, as I was the only one left with a basket. There's only a 20-minute pickup window, and I was 15 minutes into it. Everyone else had come and left!

Anyway, you can see above what we got (minus three plums we ate right away). I'm very happy with the quality of it. If anyone else local wants to take turns picking it up (they deliver to Ely every other week, and Delta and Milford every week), let me know and maybe we can work something out so we can get great produce and not have to drive too much. I'm hoping this will help us eat healthier. And it's kind of fun getting a surprise basket of goodness!

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