Monday, July 30, 2012

A Fun Fiesta

 A couple weeks ago we went to a birthday party for one of Desert Girl's friends. They strung up a Minnie Mouse pinata. It was slightly disturbing seeing Minnie Mouse hanging there.

 I love this photo of Desert Girl. She's holding a stick.
 Sandra and Julieth, the birthday girl. She loved prancing about in her 'princess' dress and butterfly wings.

 All the kids are growing up so fast!

It cracked me up how most of the guys sat on 4-wheelers or leaned against vehicles.

 It was a good party with lots of smiles!

 A family photo.

 After some delicious food, it was time for what all the kids were waiting for: pinata time!

 First, a photo where everyone looks different directions.

 Desert Girl was making some faces. The light was getting dim, but I couldn't resist taking a few more photos.

 Carmela loves to get Desert Girl to pose like this.

 We thought it was going to rain, but the clouds went around us, providing a beautiful sunset. We danced to the music and stayed till it got dark.

Happy Birthday, Julieth!

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