Saturday, June 18, 2011

Snake Valley Festival-Ice Cream Social

We're gearing up for a busy weekend at the Snake Valley Festival! It started last night with they yummy ice cream social. They had my favorite ice cream--mint chocolate chip. Plus it was lots of fun to talk to people I haven't seen in awhile and meet some new folks. Here are a sampling of photos:

 Desert Boy just had to be in the photo.
 I love the look in Desert Girl's eyes.

 She's a real goof.
 Isaac was also enjoying his ice cream.

 There was a good turn out.
 The kids loved playing in the background. Tori challenged me to a chinup challenge. We tied.

 Even the big kids were liking the playground.

 The kids loved drawing with chalk on the old basketball/tennis court.

What a fun evening! We're looking forward to more fun today.


  1. Ice cream socials are so much fun. Our church used to have an annual one to celebrate spring. I miss them!

  2. And could Desert Girl's pigtails be any cuter?!?


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