Thursday, June 16, 2011


 The last day of May we headed into town to go witness my nephew's high school graduation. The weather actually cooperated (a rarity for the end of May) and graduation was held outside. In this part of the world, it's common to have graduation on weeknights. (Where I grew up, graduation is held on the weekend and then graduates have open houses and well wishers spend their day traveling from one party to the next.)

We got there during the procession and the bleachers were packed and people were stacked a few deep at the top (you enter from the top due to the hilly terrain), so we couldn't really see anything. We decided to go down to the side and then spotted some front row seats empty. What great luck!

 Clay gave a short speech and got to sit up on the podium for the entire ceremony.

 This is what it looked like slightly zoomed from the bleachers. They were way out there! Because they were so far away, it didn't look like many graduates, but it turned out that there were 92. (There were 101 in my graduating class.)

 Being in the front row had the added advantage that the kids could roam, and Desert Girl took the opportunity to check out the neighbors.

 The football field area is quite scenic, with mountains on either side.

 Then it was time to get diplomas. It didn't take long to get to that point--being outside meant it was a little chilly and windy, so no one wasted any time.

 Seeing Clay graduate brought back lots of memories from high school. I am lucky to still stay in contact with some of my awesome high school friends. We had some really good times together, and still try to meet up periodically.

The school superintendent wore jeans! It's a little different culture out here in the West.

After the ceremony, the kids had a fun time chasing the cousins out on the astro-turf (is that what it's called?). It stays nice and green year-round.

Then it was time to go and for the graduates to start the next chapter of their lives.
Good luck, Clay, and congratulations! We wish you a wonderful future.

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