Sunday, April 3, 2011

Expanding the Treehouse

Although Desert Boy and I still go and visit the old tree house (and remember the slide fondly; and sit on stumps and talk about life; and discuss the one-step ladder used to get up onto it), Desert Boy was ready to further construction on his new tree house.

So he talked to his Daddy and convinced him to help out. That was a good idea, as Daddy had some creative ideas. He brought back a couple of palettes to make walls, along with other assorted wood. He even bought nails that were the right length. What a novel idea!

Desert Boy was eager to help. Nothing on the tree house is level or straight, so attaching walls was a bit of a challenge.

A side brace helped. Then another wall went up, and the two walls were attached with a top brace. It was starting to look like a real tree house! But Desert Boy wanted more.

He wanted a roof.

He got a roof. Not just any roof, but a special sun roof for the tree house! We do things in style around here!

Finally it was time to paint, the part Desert Boy has been talking about for days. He did a little--but still has a long ways to go. He also wants to make signs. I think that might be a good activity to keep him occupied for hours in the upcoming weeks.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are letting him help and direct the project! He's learning to be a self-motivated rancher :)


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