Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dirt is Good

My helpers aerating the soil in the garden. We've planted some peas, spinach, and red beets. It's probably too early for the spinach and red beets, but we just planted one square each. We're back to the Square Foot Gardening method. It worked well enough last year and I really like the tidiness of the system. Not that I'm a particularly tidy gardener. As we were cleaning up the garden, we found onions, carrots, and red beets from last year. All still edible. And the cilantro has done a good job of reseeding itself.

Check out Desert Girl's irrigating boots. She was the only one in the family that didn't have irrigating boots, and I just couldn't resist. I imagine that she'll get some pretty good use out of them this summer.

Desert Girl is building up her immunity by eating some dirt. Dirt is good.


  1. She wasn't wearing her "I love dirt bib" lol

  2. I love the smell of dirt in spring...can't wait to get my hands in it!



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