Monday, March 21, 2011

New Orleans by Day

If you guessed New Orleans as the mystery location, you're right! I attended a conference there last week. I didn't really wanted to be separated from my kids for that long, and Grandma and Grandpa were willing to check out the Big Easy, so they flew down and watched the kids while I attended the conference.

I still tried to get out and do as much exploring as possible, as I had never been to New Orleans before. In a nutshell, it was really interesting, and I'd like to go back to see even more. March weather was wonderful.

One night we went and had dinner at Jackson Square in the French Quarter. We were entertained by the white man, who played a song when someone tipped him.

Tarot card readers were set up in several locations. I liked that this one claimed to be 98.5% accurate. I wonder how he evaluated his success.

We walked around a bit, enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells of this unique spot.

I went for morning runs to see a bit more (and to keep training for some upcoming triathlons). I found a nice path along the Mississippi River.

The Segway tour provided an amusing sight.

I also enjoyed this interesting horse post. Other early morning sights included plenty of delivery vans, street sweepers, and relatively few people. I didn't see any other runners except on the path by the river.

Desert Girl got so worn out by some of the activities that she literally crashed--right into her stroller.

The grandparents and grandkids took the free ferry across the Mississippi River several times. They also became pros at riding the streetcars. Desert Boy was delighted to ride "trains."

Here's another view from the path along the river on a different morning.

I liked this statue.

A close up showed she had her beads, too.

This is yet another photo of the Mississippi River, with a big oceanliner on it. But it was all fogged in that morning!

Next I'll show some of the night scenes of New Orleans. We had some interesting experiences!


  1. hmmm...many of the pictures aren't loading. I can only get about half despite hitting reload several times...


  2. Party on Desert Boy & Girl !!!

    See that Desert Girl was up all night dancing in the Big Easy 8-)

    What a fun adventure! Enjoyed the pics and hope to see more family trips in the future!


  3. What a fun, fun trip!! I have always wanted to explore The Big Easy=)

  4. Great photos! Even the fog ones :)
    It was great to hang out with you in the Big Easy!

  5. Thanks for all of the great adventures! We sure had fun! - the survivor grandparents : )p

  6. Enjoyed your photos! My family went to New Orleans for Christmas and did the tours!
    Seems like you're a long way from the desert!

  7. It is a city I must visit, so now it is on my "bucket list".


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