Friday, March 18, 2011

Mystery Location

I've actually been away from my desert home this week with very limited Internet access, so I haven't had the chance to post. Once I get back, I'll have some photos to share about this different place. To pique your interest, here are some clues to where I am:

-the city has about half the population it did in 1965
-working streetcars provide both a means for commuters to move about and a tourist attraction
-The St. Patrick's Day parade last night took almost three hours to get to our location.
-Desert Boy only got one piece of candy from the parade because the preferred item for throwing was nonedible.

And for a hint that will make it very obvious:
-much of the city is below sea level.

We're headed back to the desert tomorrow, so we'll be soaking up as much of the culture and sights as we can in the remaining time. Have a great day!


  1. Hope you guys had a wonderful trip! I am looking forward to hearing your take on the city's recovery from Katrina.

  2. Aw, I was going to guess New Orleans (thanks to a quick Google search) and now I see I was right.

  3. I believe Chris is correct. But I knew because a little birdy told me! Hope you are havin' fun! I liked your previous posts as well! Take care and hopefully we will chat soon! AB


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