Friday, July 16, 2010

Fourth of July

I'm only a couple weeks behind on posting for the Fourth of July! Our day started bright and early with a 5k run. It's been years since I ran a 5k, and although back in March and April I was getting in some regular one and two mile runs, recently I had done virtually no running. Too many early morning bird surveys and knee and hip problems (I know, I sound like an old lady!). So I set a very generous time for myself to beat, one that I would have to keep jogging most of the time to make, but not too fast so that I would be in pain for the next few days.

Fortunately I was able to jog the whole way, and the route was one I had taken Emma on a couple times while Desert Boy was in preschool, so I was distracted by looking at flowers I had previously photographed (or what was left of them). At the end, Desert Boy was eager to join me.

He'll be a good racer someday!
Here's the finish line.
Desert Boy ate some of the snacks with his cousins Ruby and Grace. I tried to catch up to them the entire race, but they stayed ahead of me, making the run look so easy. Fortunately I beat my time, and even though I was ten minutes slower than when I ran in college, I was still happy. Maybe some day I will attempt those faster times again--or maybe not!
After some rest and recuperation and lunch, it was time to relax in one of our favorite activities--playing in water! Desert Boy and Lola carried innertubes over to the nearby swimming hole.

This is a settling pond for irrigation and was dug out to about eight feet deep early in the summer. High water brought lots of rock, sand, and silt down, and now one-third of the pond is less than a foot deep and the rest is only about three to four feet deep.

The water is from the mountains, so it's a bit chilly, but a good way to cool off on a hot summer afternoon! Thanks to my brother Ed for taking these photos. After all the excitement of our Grand Canyon trip, I hardly took any photos on the fourth.

I slipped away from the pond for awhile to go to a baby shower.

Cynthia should be having her baby any day! And in the background is Chayo, with her new baby. Little Emma is going to have lots of playmates.
And then it was time to go for the Fourth of July fun. We ate yummy food and then settled on the grass for the musical program. Emma had fun playing in the grass.
She even liked the fireworks, although I kept my hands over her ears to muffle the loudness. We got to watch from just across the field from where they were setting them off.
A lovely end to a relaxing day, just what we needed before our big adventure the next day.

1 comment:

  1. Winter jacket in the morning, floating in a pond by afternoon; that's quite the weather change!



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