Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cheesy Smiles

The kids and I went on a little hike the other day, and they were cooperative enough to pose during one of our many snack breaks. I figured what were the chances that they would both have their eyes closed and a cheesy smile?
I wandered around for a couple minutes taking photos of flowers, and when I got back to Desert Girl, she was stuffing a fistful of dirt and grass in her mouth. Apparently it tasted good. Desert Boy was eating chips and oblivious to everything else in the world.


  1. Awwww! What a great shot! So adorable :)

  2. So cute! Desert Girl is getting her pound of dirt.

  3. Graeme still puts dirt in his mouth (and rocks and anything else he finds outside) and he's nearly 2 :-). Desert Boy and Girl are completely adorable!


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