Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time to Eat

I wasn't sure if I was going to post these pictures, but then I figured that this blog has lots of posts about nature and what is more natural than eating?

Desert Girl was getting hungry one day, and Desert Boy offered to feed her. I said sure, he could give it a try. Here are the results:

Needless to say, the "feeding" didn't last long!

It was very nice of Desert Boy to offer to help. But once was enough for him!


  1. smart boy: try it and if it doesn't work for both, don't do it again. Repeating things that don't work and expecting a different outcome is futile. I like his gentle affection that's showing thru

  2. I foresee some future blackmail material in these pics:) He is such a sweetheart!!

  3. Okay, that is really funny! :D

  4. why not? Did she give him a big hickey or didn't it get that far? hahahaha


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