Wednesday, March 3, 2010

One Month

Desert Girl turned one month on Monday. Yeah, she can't believe it either!

She says, "Hey, Mama, make sure you photograph my good side. And photoshop out all that baby acne."

It's amazing how much like a teenager she is in other ways, too. She likes to be up at all hours, eat huge amounts around the clock, make a lot of noise, and get lots of attention.

Fortunately we don't have any attitude problems. Yet.


  1. She certainly isn't a failure to thrive baby. oooh those cheeks and that gut! Good job, Mom, you've fed her well. She will catch up to Desert Boy in no time and then they can arm wrestle.

  2. I love her onesie! What a cute girl. ☺

  3. Oh my! What a delightful little one. One month?!! And we haven't even gotten a package out to her yet.

  4. she is a sweet big girl, looks like her shoes are big too. ;-)


  5. LOL I love her shoes too!
    How adorable

  6. Where's the beef?


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