Sunday, March 28, 2010

Doctor's Visit

Anyone who comes to visit us has to be prepared for a doctor's checkup. Desert Boy carries his doctor tools around in a Cars lunch box. I'm just telling you this so you can be forewarned. Most people don't expect to get a checkup when a Cars lunch box is opened.

The checkup begins with Dr. Desert Boy dumping all his supplies out of the lunch box. Then he proceeds to check your ears, tap your knees, give you medicine orally, give you an injection in some random part of your body, comb your hair, listen to your heart and say thump-thump, and blow air on you with a bulb syringe (which is better than the alternative, wouldn't you agree?). Sometimes the order is switched around a little, and if we resupply his kit with notepaper and a crayon he writes down his report. Once in awhile we even sneak a bandaid in there, and that makes for some real excitement.

Desert Boy was in a very good mood when he let his friend Elizabeth give him a checkup. He not only held the stethoscope to his chest, but also provided the thump-thump noises so she would be sure to hear his heart.

It obviously takes a lot of concentration and practice to be a doctor. And it definitely helps to have a neat Cars lunch box.


  1. Love the cowbells in the background! (or are they cheese graters?)


  2. very cute...good kids having fun...

  3. really cute---practicing competency skills in many directions. He gets it too, doesn't he. Has the anatomy pegged.


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