Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Catching Up

Two weekends ago we were happy to visit with some friends who used to live out here, Ryan and Sarah and their cutie Troy. Desert Boy enjoyed playing with one-year old Troy, but he enjoyed playing with his mom and dad even more. They were good sports, playing with his train, reading him books, and trying out his unique version of hide-n-seek. The game goes something like this:

Desert Boy: I'm going to go hide in the closet. Count and then come find me.
Sarah: Okay. One, two, three..(she rarely got above three)
Desert Boy: I'm ready, come find me.
Ten seconds later:
Desert Boy: You found me! Okay, you hide under the blanket and I'll count and find you.

The hiding in a secret spot and staying quiet concept hasn't really gotten through yet. That's okay with me!

Eventually Sarah got some down time and looks pretty comfortable holding Desert Girl while she reads to Troy a book about the desert southwest. (See, you can handle two just fine!)

Ryan, Sarah, & Troy: It was great seeing you!


  1. The version of hide-and-seek around here consists of me hiding with one kid while the other counts and then comes to find us. Hard to find hiding places big enough for two:)

  2. Thanks Gretchen, it was great seeing your family, and one is enough for me!!!

  3. We have that same version with my 2 year old grand daughter. kids are so cute at that age. I love the pictures.


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