Saturday, January 23, 2010

Winter Scenes

We haven't been getting out and exploring the desert as much as I would like to this winter, but I did stop and take some winter photos the other day. We haven't had much snow here this winter, it seems the storms dump as they go over the Sierra Nevadas and then split by the time they get here, either going north or south. So when we finally got a little snow last week, it became a winter wonderland.

The birds are really enjoying all the trees that have berries left on them. I even saw a flock of cedar waxwings, which was a treat.

I liked the symmetry of the outdoor amphitheatre at EskDale. During the summer we go to a Fourth of July celebration here. It's almost hard to imagine now.

At the bottom of the amphitheatre is a basketball court. The basketballs look a little lonely right now.

Our latest storm gave us even more snow, and Desert Boy and I had fun playing in it yesterday. We'll be heading out again today to make the most of us before the elusive desert precipitation disappears.


  1. Beautiful artistic pics. Great to see the snow, finally. I hope it keeps coming, and holds off when you need it to...

  2. Great to see the snow. I like the pics. Very artistic. I'm glad Desert Boy and his mom enjoy getting out into the beauty of the white stuff.
    Did I tell you about the Cedar Waxwings in the red berry tree at Chris' house? Ruby was very concerned.

  3. nice pics. especially the basketballs~berries in the snow


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